Alkaline vs Acidic Foods

For optimal cellular health our blood PH must be slightly alkaline with pH between 7.36 and 7.45. The overall well-being is dependent on pH balance of your body and what we eat and drink.

The standard American diet is full of acidic substances and foods like meat, diary, processed foods and sugar. Some studies suggest that our body has to fight harder to neutralize the effects of acidic load and it results in a gradual decline in health.

All the vegetable juices provide the body with alkaline balance and help in its overall wellbeing.
There are not many restaurants in the market serving alkaline food.

Our business model is to target the section of people who are health conscious or who are trying to heal. We would like to spread the awareness of eating healthy to not only nourish and rejuvenate the body but also to heal it along the way.